December 27, 2007

Prostate Health and Fruits and Vegetables

There have been daily discoveries to fight cancer that have added both to the quality and length of the stricken. So much has been learned to naturally promote prostate health including the types of fruits and vegetables that inhibit the growth of cancer cells. The American Cancer Society recommends five services and fruits and vegetables which includes dozens of nutrients with decrease cancer risks. Dietary fiber derived from beans, lentils and peas in high quantities have been associated with decreasing prostate cancer risks while promoting prostate health. What’s sad about this statistic is that most American men seldom achieve the minimum daily quantities necessary for prostate health.

Cooked tomatoes, for instance, are rich in lycopene which has beneficial antioxidant properties and concentrate in the prostate thus promoting prostate health and risk reduction for cancer. Garlic, leeks, onions and chives are part of the allium vegetable group contain organosulfur compounds which interfere with cancer cell replication and inhibits potential tumor growth. Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, brussel spouts, cauliflower and kale are full of sulfurphane and isothiocyanates with block and deactive carginogens which are environmental chemicals which promote cancer. Citrus fruit peels also contain prostrate health promoting chemicals that has thwarted tumor growth in lab experiments. The peels contain limonene and geraniol, which in the lab do great things. They still taste horrible, and can be skipped in favor of citrus pulp which tastes a lot better, and contain pectin fiber thought to stop cancer cell spread.

Considered by many to be a nutritional disease, prostate dysfunction is much more prevalent in Western rather than Eastern society. This is due, in great part, to the fact that Western countries diet are filled with animal fats in the form of red meat, eggs and dairy products whereas Eastern society, in contrast, includes more fruits and vegetables which exert a protective effect and promotes prostate health.

It is much more common in developed Western countries that emphasize animal-derived foods, such as red meat, dairy products, and eggs, all foods that tend to accumulate environmental toxins. In contrast, fruit- and vegetable-rich diets exert a protective effect.

Long entrenched views on what is considered nutritionally wholesome foods are being challenged in today’s society as evidence grows suggesting an alternative to maintain prostate health. There is expanding documentation that supports the idea that to promote prostate health may require a serious reduction in milk and dairy products because excessive calcium intake suppresses the production of a certain form of vitamin D which is central in the inhibition of prostate cancer.

In stark contrast, men whose diet is high in tomatoes and tomato based food including ketchup and tomato paste used in making spaghetti sauce supplemented by a high fruit diet reportedly are less likely to develop prostate cancer. It has become quite clear that these items contain antioxidant like lycopene and through the fruit, another prostate-protecting element, fructose promotes prostate health. Unlike calcium, fructose stimulates the production of vitamin D that inhibits tumors.

There are a myriad of nutrients in diets that also promote prostate health that are found in many foods including zinc which is specific to the prostate. Folk wisdom usually has finds its roots in reality and eating pumpkin seeds to promote male reproductive and prostate health is a truth because the seeds are rich in zinc. Adding zinc to the diet can reduce prostate enlargement. Other nutrients that promote prostate health are selenium which can be derived from brazil nuts or through supplements, vitamin D; vitamin E, an antioxidant that inhibits cancer growth; soy-based foods, which contain the cancer-inhibiting agent genistein; and garlic, which possess cancer-fighting, sulfur-containing compounds.
Make your prostate health a part of your daily regimen. Start today!

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